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22 November, 2013

Opening Sequence Storyboard

Opening Sequence Storyboard
In order for our group to gain an understanding around the scenes within our opening sequence, we created a storyboard illustrating the various shot types we will use. The type of shot and camera movement have also been shown in order to know the various perspectives and camera movements within each scene. For example, within the first few scenes, the type of shot used will be in the perspective of the stalker and the camera movement will use techniques such as panning and tracking. Though there is not much dialogue within each scene, the use of sound is one of the main focuses of the opening sequence. Foley such as footsteps, heartbeats and heavy breathing feature throught various sequences as well as faint music, setting the eerie scene of the genre of the film, thriller. This storyboard will help when it comes to filming as it allows our group to clearly see what needs to happen within each scene and the various use of foley that we need to collect. 

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