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19 November, 2013

Target Audience for Opening Sequence

Target Audience for Opening Sequence
Age: 15+

Gender: Male/Female

Social Demographic: Working Class/Middle Class

Occupation: Students/University students/Retail

Hobbies and Interests: The general teenage target audience may enjoy socialising, going out with friends regularly and visiting various shops for food and clothes. They may typically enjoy watching movies of the thriller/horror genre as they may enjoy the thrill of getting scared. The students may be dedicated to their education and work hard to achieve their full potential at whichever from of education they are studying in. Other interests may include going to mainstream/popular events such as concerts. They may often keep up to date with new trends in fashion and technology, often buying the newest products that are released.

Style: People of both genders may like to follow trends and fashion in order to fit in with other people of their age group. The may also care about their appearance and often buy products in order to make themselves feel better. Though there are a mixed people from various social demographic backgrounds, most of the viewers may be influenced by style and want to consider that they can keep up with trends.  

Personality: The typical audience type may like to socialise with their friends and have a good sense of humour, but can also be serious when necessary. Some other people who fit within the target audience may be outgoing, bubbly and friendly, but often influenced by the opinions of others and base their decisions on what they say.  The general personality of the target audience may all have the common liking for the film of our chosen genre, thriller, and their various personalities allow them to view different situations through varied perspectives.

Media Grouping: The favourite films for this target audience may be those which make them jump and feel anxious about their surroundings. The scenes may give an adrenaline rush to the audience due to heightened tension, a common convention of films of the thriller/horror genre. Though the audience may enjoy watching these films, they may also enjoy watching mainstream television such as soaps (Eastenders) and entertainment (X-Factor).

Audience Theory: The Uses and Gratifications theory is an approach to understand why people seek out various media content for different purposes. This audience theory can enable our group to target the audience specifically to suit their ‘entertainment’ needs. The ‘Personal Identity’ aspect of the theory may also be fulfilled as the audience are able to find models of behaviour. Blumler & Katz theory suggests that a text must ‘gratify an audience’s needs’. These can be achieved through:

  •      Information: Satisfying curiosity and general interest, for self-education which they could gain a sense of security through knowledge.
  •      Entertainment: To escape, or be diverted from problems, to get emotional release or just general enjoyment.
  •      Education: To gain a better understanding into situations and realising the bigger picture.
  •      Social Interaction: Gaining an insight into circumstances of others, to gain a sense of their own belonging, to find a basis for conversation, while having a substitute for real-life companionship.
  •      Personal Identity: To look at different models of behaviour, this would enable them to gain an insight into themselves, But also to find reinforcement for personal values.

It is essential for our group to target a specific audience for our opening sequence as it enables us to make a convincing film of the chosen genre. The audience will gain information on specific characters within the film, however, narrative enigma may be used in order to make the audience question why certain things happen, creating a sense of tension and suspense. These techniques can all be used to incise the audience and make them engaged with the opening sequence of the film.  

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